
Where words fall short
and the heart melts.
Where mind races high,
into deep faults.
Where vision fails and
the journey halts.

Where I feel not any
exuberance or high.
Where proximity is bliss
with inevitability to die.
Where nocturnal feelings
bear the brunt and sigh.

Where heat is frozen
and mist transparent.
Where faith falls and does
something incoherent.
Where rain is not cheered
and the wets are torment.

Where love is to die
in the depth unheard.
Where drops of water are
nothing but one in herd.
Where going gets tough
the belief sounds absurd.

Where emptiness rules the
caverns of rough weather.
Where vague is the disguise
of fermenting heather.
Where calmness dies the death,
laughs loud the coarse soother.

The day I was reborn!

A day like another.
The unusualness not so unique.
Nothing to mark out new.
Strength dead in sinew.

Life seemed to be dragging
The future looked bleak.
The goals were not defined,
Nor were steps aligned.

Time would be running short
But no one to kick
So was the motion slow.
Lacked the luster and glow.

Moved out of the office
Or was I a freak
To be so late.
An important date!

The bike stopped at signal
Heard screech of brakes
What I remember now is:
The cold-dead death’s kiss.

Was I ignored by Him
Or an encounter as fake
Whatever it may be,
I lived to see.

This day and many
More shall I make
Before the curtain is drawn.
Till then, the game is on.

The day I was reborn!