My Guide, My Glide

In the course of my journey
I was made to believe
That I am not a genius;
I cannot achieve
What others have.

My successes and failures were
Dictated by obnoxious standards
Set by someone unknown.
I felt lost.
I felt distressed.
I felt I was not
The worthy child of my Lord.

I was moving but could never
Fathom my direction.
I was seeing but could not
Perceive my sight
I was touching but could never
Feel the touch.
I have failed Him- I thought!

But He was always there
By my side,
Holding me-
In my depression,
In my desperation
In my joy,
In my celebration.
He was there.

I knew it then,
I know it now.

My senses could not
Sense Him
But I could feel
His presence.
Someone watching over me
With perpetual patience and serene smile
Guiding me
Gliding me
Through the sea of life
Into that Eternity!

At this revelation
That I have never failed Him,
That I am still His worthy child,
That I have the genius
He has bestowed upon me,
I felt at peace.

A lotus has blossomed
In the murky pond
Filled with chaos.
It is serene,
It is divine.

It is me.



Where is
my goal, dear?
Where is
my soul, dear?
Where is
my foul, dear?

Where I fear not the
future but live in today.
Where strong is my voice
and conviction in my say.
Where I grow in mind
and spirit, day by day.

Where is
the Light, dear?
Where is
the Guide, dear?
Where is
the fight (against the lower self), dear?

Where my loneliness
is no more lonely.
Where my feelings
are striking and holy.
Where my heart grows
to embrace wholly.