
Now I am calm,
Now I am at peace.
Now I am happy
Now I am at ease.

Now is what I have
Now rises the fever
Now I see the goal
Now, it is or never

Now my thoughts measure
Now my actions count
Now my intentions define
Now my commitments mount

Now rules the roost
Now is something
Now has the charm
Now is the King!


Sometimes (rather most of times) I feel human relationships are useless, meaningless, heartless, mindless, feelingless, and, above all, purposeless. Every connection at times looks like mirage. Every word spoken at times mean nothing. Every action at times seems like an act of betrayal.

But there is shimmering light called Hope
which beacons afar hill-top in the Heart.
In spite of being in pain it smiles,
and smiles with such innocence and Art.
It caresses the soul, cleans all wounds,
and says with love and life in words- Don’t be so Hard…
Love, love and love, it is an Art!