
Somehow my thoughts
drifted into slumber
of deep woods
where I could see
the Self standing alone
in the reflecting waters
glimmering under
the full moon night.

“Who is this!”, was
my instant reaction, far
from realization
and recognition:
I was my unknown.

First a surprise,
then a disbelief
and mounting frustration.
The past was gone,
the present is staring
stark deep into my eyes:
I saw a naked unknown.

Truth is so rude!

11 thoughts on “Self

  1. another fabulous poem. by the way satyakam, when you publish your book do let me know the details so i can get a copy.

    this poem is haunting.

    1. You, the readers, are my motivation. In fact I am gifted to have a bunch of followers who stop by my scribbles to read and comment…last but not least attribute them as poems 🙂

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